Jaw Pain Relief in Fort Worth TX

Among the areas of the body that  Fort Worth TX chiropractors are able to help, many people are surprised to learn that the jaw is on the list. It's easy to associate back pain and neck pain with chiropractic treatment, but people who suffer from TMD or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder in Fort Worth TX can also find relief.

WHAT IS TMD in Fort Worth TX?

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder refers to a group of conditions that affect the TMJ or temporomandibular joint in the jaw. This joint connects your jaw to your skull, so it stands to reason that if you have issues with the muscles or ligaments that control its movement you may experience problems.

Some common symptoms of TMD include pain in your jaw, cheek, teeth, or front of the ear when you chew or yawn, clicking noises in the jaw, an inability to open your mouth wide, or having your jaw lock when you are able to open it. You also may notice that your upper and lower teeth no longer fit together properly when you close your mouth. Some patients experience headaches, hearing issues, dizziness, or earaches as part of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.


TMD has a myriad of potential causes that your Fort Worth TX chiropractors will explore when you book your appointment. Some of the known causes of TMD include serious jaw trauma or dislocation, and physical or emotional stress. The emotional stress doesn't end up causing TMD on its own, but if you tend to clench your teeth as a result, this may end up causing it. Statistics show that women are four times as likely to suffer from TMD as men.

How We Relieve Jaw Pain

Once your chiropractor confirms that you do have TMD, you'll be given a treatment plan based on the specifics of your situation. Our team at Malloy Chiropractic & Wellness Center wants to get to the cause of your problem so every angle is explored before a thorough plan is created.

A typical treatment plan for jaw pain will include Focused Shockwave therapy, to stimulate healing, reduce pain and inflammation, and eliminate muscle adhesions within the TMJ and Masseter muscle. Manual soft tissue therapy treatments reduce muscle spasms and promote proper movement of the jaw. Exercises to strengthen and stabilize the jaw. Gentle and safe chiropractic adjustments for proper spinal alignment.

If you have any symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), schedule a consultation with Dr. Malloy at Malloy Chiropractic and Wellness Center as soon as possible. It's also important that you follow any advice or recommendations given during that consultation and subsequent appointments. Every exercise and treatment is designed to remove the underlying cause of the problem and restore your jaw function back to normal.

At Malloy Chiropractic & Wellness Center our team is here to help answer your questions.  Please feel free to contact us today.

8:45am - 12:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

8:45am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 5:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm



Malloy Chiropractic & Wellness Center
6800 Harris Parkway #400
Fort Worth, TX 76132
(817) 346-1111